Feb 23, 2022Liked by Irina Dumitrescu

I have shared this with my writing group. I think it will help us all and provoke some good discussions. Thank you for sharing your insights.

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The line about having a PhD making you feel somehow less qualified to write about something hit a nerve!

I don't think I censor myself for fear of getting criticized, but I do play the line about "does anybody really need me to say this" quite a lot. Journaling helps. Social media...does not.

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Irina Dumitrescu

This morning I had a kind of corporate interview - my wife and I both talking about our experience of the past two years and working from home (with two small kids) for an EU institution. Your post already spoke to me a lot, but it also galvanised some thoughts and led me to talk about the fears that have come up over the Covid times and the impact on mental health - I didn't want to just focus on any positives because we've all been cut off from each other going through some version of Sartre's "hell is other people" or TS Eliot's "Hell is oneself" while trying to improvise and cope. Thank you for addressing your audience so directly - it really made me want to respond.

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I love this Irina, thank you. I do think social media has had a huge influence on real, good journalism. I also

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The "market" is the locus of veridiction. And Foucault knew that capital would control the market. Hence we all live in the fear of what the market will think of us, so we have to watch what we say, cause if you say the wrong thing, "wham" your canceled. Feels totalitariany doesn't it?

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"I'm not an expert in bravery, but I am rather experienced in the matter of fear." Love this!

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